Map of vineyards


It is the area that includes the entire company body and vineyards for a total area of ​​about 18 hectares. It is subdivided into “Vigne del Poggio” of around 8 hectares that surround the company body, “Guastona” which includes vineyards for about 4 hectares and “Casa Cristiani” consisting of vineyards that extend from about half the hill to the stream Marsinola for 5 hectares approximately. This area has a medium-textured soil with good fertility and excellent water availability that allows numerous varieties to adapt perfectly and produce high quality wines. The vines cultivated are:

Croatina: occupies all the lands of “Casa Cristiani” and part of those of the “Guastona”. (Wies: Bonarda O.P. D.O.C. e Croatina I.G.T. dolce)
Barbera: located near the business complex. (Wines: Barbera I.G.T. ferma.
Merlot: the grapes obtained are vinified in purity to obtain the wine Merlot I.G.T.
Chardonnay: localizzato nel vigneto conosciuto come “Vigna del Poggio”. (Wines: Chardonnay I.G.T. frizzante)
Pinot Grigio: these grapes are used to make wines Pinot Grigio I.G.T. frizzante and Pinot Grigio I.G.T. fermo.
Pinot Nero: get the wine Pinot Nero I.G.T. vinificato bianco frizzante.
Riesling, get the wine Riesling I.G.T. frizzante e Riesling I.G.T. fermo.
Malvasia: vine characterized by a marked aromatic note unique in its kind. (Wines: Malvasia I.G.T. frizzante e Malvasia I.G.T. dolce)

The area marked by this color corresponds to the position of our wine cellar.


The term “Costera” derives from the word “costa” which indicates the limited availability of water and the optimal sun exposure present in this area. In this area we find 5 different varieties:

Croatina: located in the central belt where there are medium-textured soils with a medium level of fertility that allows wines to be obtained with an excellent gradation and color. (Wines: Bonarda O.P. D.O.C. Riserva, Croatina  I.G.T. ferma)
Barbera: located partly at the top of a hill where there is a medium-textured terrain tending to calcareous and partly at the bottom of the valley, where there is a better availability of water. (Wines: Barbera I.G.T. frizzante e vino riserva Costera)
Merlot: localized in the central zone and characterized by a soil with a good percentage of silt and a medium-low fertility. (Wine: Costera)
Riesling: located at the bottom of the valley on a medium-textured terrain tending to clayey. (Wines: Riesling I.G.T. fermo e Riesling I.G.T. frizzante)
Pinot Nero: used entirely for the production of Pinot Nero I.G.T. vinificato rosato frizzante.


The “Brughera” plot is characterized by soils with a tendency to clay with an excellent fertility and a very contained slope that minimizes superficial erosion due to rainfall. The varieties grown are:

Riesling, from which it is obtained Riesling I.G.T. frizzante and Riesling I.G.T. fermo.
Malvasia, vineyard of about half a century used solely for the production of wine Malvasia I.G.T. dolce.
Croatina, whose grapes are used for the production of Croatina I.G.T. ferma.
Chardonnay: wine obtained Chardonnay I.G.T. frizzante.


Small range (about 1 ha) which presents 3 different grape varieties:

Pinot Nero: from this vineyard we obtain a grape with an excellent acidity and a particularly accentuated aromatic note. (Wines: Pinot Nero I.G.T. Spumante Brut and Pinot Nero I.G.T. vinificato rosato frizzante)
Pinot Grigio: from these grapes you get wine Pinot Grigio I.G.T. fermo.
Croatina: small vineyard that produces a medium-low alcohol but with a marked aromatic note and an important flavor.